Vladimir Gorea



A software engineer with 15+ years of experience in building web applications. I also have trust issues, this being one of the reason for me creating this app.
givenName Vladimir familyName Gorea
TrustNet Presentation a pdf file on google drive



Social Media

Verified Documents

National ID issued by Romania, SPCEP S6 verified at 2023-10-04 05:06:00
Passport issued by Romania, Interior Minister verified at 2023-10-04 05:06:00
Driving License issued by Romania, National Police verified at 2023-10-04 05:06:00

What other people say

Received in total of 8 with an average rating of 4.88 stars

for being customer @UI/UX design on TrustNet on 2023-07-05
"Vladimir was an awesome guide troughout my first UX Design project, he was understanding, and very open minded, 100% would work next to him again"
by Stefan Gorea as ui/ux designer
Beta release v0.10.0